Also, I just decided to combine the blog post with the SENIOR OF THE WEEK post.
The two seniors featured on the promo cards are cousins, Alex Furr and Cody Hanshew. Their pics turned out awesome as you can see...even though I had a MAJOR problem on the day of their sessions. Cody took the morning session and then Alex joined later to have a few shots taken with her cousin. Right after I finished their shots together and started on Alex's session my camera BROKE! Sad to say that we had to delay her session to a later date...so sorry Alex. Anyway all the photos turned put great for both she and Cody!
Cody Hanshew
School: St. Albans High School
Session: Designer Art
Favorite color: green
Favorite Band: Mayday Parade
Favorite movie: Twilight
Favorite TV show: One Tree Hill
Hobbies: Traveling
Lucky Number: 22
Favorite website: facebook
Pets: Maggie--Black lab
Two words that describe me: quiet and honest

Alex Furr
School: Hurricane High School
Session: Designer Art
Favorite color: green
Favorite movie: The Notebook
Favorite TV show: One Tree Hill
Hobbies: Softball
Lucky Number: 2
Favorite website: facebook
Pets: Dog-Major
Two words that describe me: competitive and visual